Week Seven Process Post (Accessibilty)

This week’s process post will deal with accessibility associated with my website. Being someone who has ADHD and dysgraphia, I am very mindful of how people who have disabilities can access my website. When designing my website, I wanted to keep a simple concept in which my viewers could engage with the website from various people. Personally, being someone who is diagnosed with ADHD, I was very mindful of the design. That is why it is a black-and-white coloring system for the blog post. This color system allows members who have ADHD not to be distracted by bright, colorful aesthetics and instead focus on the context of the website. I also make sure that my blog posts, for the most part, remain under 500 Words. That way, it is a short read for most website viewers.
The black-and-white aesthetic also helps those who are color-blind. When researching, I looked at what colors affected people with color blindness the least. After my research, I found that black and white was best suited for people with color blindness. While the clips and movie posters are in color for the most part, the context of the website is in black and white to ensure that it is accessible to all.
Also, having dysgraphia, it is much easier to read in black and white compared to reading in colorful text. When designing the aesthetics and accessibility associated with my website, I found that using black and white was easier for me to read for longer times.
Overall, I want the Films of Yesteryear website to be accessible for all and enjoyed by anyone who exhibits nostalgia for movies before 2015. That is why I have made my website’s aesthetics in a manner that could be accessible to all.